Protecting Your E-Commerce Business. Analysis on Cyber Security Threats

attack, cybersecurity, e-commerce, threat, vulnerability


  • Georgiana ANDREIANU (Primary Contact)
    Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications, and Information Technology, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania


This paper aims to gather complete information needed for a retailer running an e-commerce website, with the intention of presenting some of the most common cyber security threats, such as malware, ransomware, SQL injection, and phishing, as well as ways to prevent them from happening and ways to manage the aftermath of a full-scale attack being carried out. Some best practices will be noted as a process that should always be considered when setting up an e-commerce business, and a risk management strategy will be outlined. An analysis will be performed on a data breach with one of the biggest number of victims in the last decade, which affected the Microsoft Exchange Servers.