Ensuring the Security of a Communication Network through Resilience. Mathematical Modeling

edge resilience, graph, restoration, service-oriented network, node resilience


  • Constantin-Alin COPACI ANCOM, Bucharest, Romania
  • Dorina-Luminiţa COPACI
    lcopaci@yahoo.com (Primary Contact)
    University Politehnica Bucharest - ETTI, Bucharest, Romania


Many of the network computing systems used in various organizations are not resilient enough to withstand attacks and failures. The performance of these networks is degraded by failures. Thus, it is important to develop techniques for designing and implementing resilient service-oriented networks that can survive attacks and failures, as well as continue to provide a reasonable level of service. This paper considers the mathematical modeling using graph theory of resilience in service-oriented communication networks. The objective of this paper is to develop the concept of service-oriented resilient system as well as to identify the metrics used to quantify resilience to node and edge failures. Using these metrics, we will choose an appropriate network topology and/or an optimal distribution of services in the network.